How much does it cost to spend $1,000

Nobody should test in prod, except that you already do so get good at it.

In response to a twitter thread about questions to identify whether a applicant would want to accept a job, one of the most brilliant responses was by Lars Albertsson (@lalleal) asking “How much does it cost your company to buy a thing for 1000 EUR? Spend a day chasing approvals, and you are at > 100% overhead.”

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Test in Prod, No Thanks! Continuous Deployment, Yes Please!

Nobody should test in prod, except that you already do so get good at it.

Legacy organizations with legacy products have designed complex and rigid processes for releasing software into a production environment. The production environment is special and has limited access and compliance and constraints and needs to always work so developers shouldn’t even try to look at it.

Except things change and stuff breaks. So now what? Continuous deployment to the rescue!?

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Lab Assistant 1.1 and Deploy Fast

Repository File API call reduces pipeline by 61 lines, also explore the Segregation of Auto Duties / Deploy but Fast project

Lab Assistant 1.1 and Deploy Fast

In support of simplifying the Segregation of Duties pipeline definition, the Lab Assistant app will now create a dotenv formatted file and deliver it to the newly created branch. This perfectly meshes with what the Auto Deploy Image is expecting to allow Segregation of Auto DevOps Duties.

To help make it clear what the intermediate step is between the existing Deployment project example and real DevOps, I created a streamlined version.

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DevOps: Transition the Path to Production

Multiple projects with automated handoff to mitigate generic roles

DevOps: Transition the Path to Production

When transitioning from classic methods to Agile and DevOps, the gatekeepers can feel stuck in limbo. The first step to easing the transition for security reviews, change management, and independent verification is to give them a place they control. As of GitLab 13-ish, the existing roles do not meet this need, despite the merge request approval with branch, tag, and environment protections.

This article lays out a 2 project workflow with an automated merge request handoff to support the access levels needed for segregation of duties with Auto DevOps.

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