Approaching Data

Benefits of modernization and strategy to get started

The relational database approach where all data is normalized and business logic runs in stored procedures creates maintainability problems that create unlimited risk and cost over time. Every year of continued database operation puts the product and organization further behind.

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Tweet New Posts Automatically-ish

Using pipeline jobs to automate social interaction

This is not related to brownfield technology, but it is something that can be done to help with handbook updates and other non-code sorts of projects. This recipe has some interesting ingredients such as GitLab CI, a Twitter API warpper for Go, Twitter Apps, GitLab Pages workflow, A Docker Container, and the route-map file.

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gitlab  ci 

Brownfield Me: Deep Work

Focus and distraction on your terms

Maybe you’ve noticed recently, or a long time ago, that getting stuff done just isn’t so easy anymore. Redoubling efforts doesn’t seem to make up the gap. Intentions and expectations are lowered and still quality or schedules are suffering. It’s not an easy cycle to break, but there are lots of approaches to try!

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Suddenly Remote

Organizations with policies established during a time where colocation was the only way to work are at a significant disadvantage when it comes to suddenly remote productivity. The work from home lifestyle of taking a day to send a few emails but mostly be unproductive was begrudgingly accepted as an infrequent quality of life boost. Reversing that trend, during a pandemic, with kids home and elevated stress levels, it’s going to be tough.

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