Mastodon Relay Increases Everything

After adding a relay, Honeycomb usage went way up!

Mastodon Relay Increases Everything

The single-user mastodon instance that I created a while back has just been doing its thing for a while. I didn’t add a relay so the only stuff I saw was directly followed users. A couple of weeks ago, I added to feed some of the hashtags I’m following. This caused some emails to show up from Honeycomb about my usage going way up!

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Customizing Mastodon

Open source leads container image shenanigans

When running other people’s software, there are a variety of ways that one can impact the deployment. Developers typically provide a set of configurations that can be set during deployment. Additional configurations are available once it’s running. These are design choices to decide which levers to provide and how flexible to make them. I wanted my instance to do some stuff that the latest release doesn’t do.

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